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To simplify the development of applications based on Unlock Protocol, we created a simple library for Hardhat. It allows to easily deploy the protocol locally to test things, or manipulate existing locks and contracts from scripts and the command line.


npm i @unlock-protocol/hardhat-plugin


yarn add @unlock-protocol/hardhat-plugin

Import the plugin in your hardhat.config.js:


Or if you are using TypeScript, in your hardhat.config.ts:

import '@unlock-protocol/hardhat-plugin'


There are no additional steps you need to take for this plugin to work.

Install it and access ethers through the Hardhat Runtime Environment anywhere you need it (tasks, scripts, tests, etc).

import { unlock } from 'hardhat'

// deploy the Unlock contract
await unlock.deployUnlock()

// deploy the template
await unlock.deployPublicLock()

// deploy the entire protocol (localhost only)
await unlock.deployProtocol()

// create a lock
const lockArgs = {
expirationDuration: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, // 7 days
currencyContractAddress: null, // null for ETH or erc20 address
keyPrice: '100000000', // in wei
maxNumberOfKeys: 10,
name: 'A Demo Lock',
await unlock.createLock(lockArgs)

You can also use the plugin to import the Unlock contracts in your own contracts, like we do for example when creating Hooks.

// Importing the PublicLock interface
import "@unlock-protocol/contracts/dist/PublicLock/IPublicLockV13.sol";

contract MyContract {
constructor(_lock) {
// Check if the sender is a manager on the lock passed as argument

Configuration (optional)


Info about already deployed Unlock contracts (on mainnet, optimism, bsc, xdai/gnosis, etc.) are added to the unlock param of the hardhat config. You can pass custom info about your own Unlock deployments directly in hardhat.config.js.

Config example

import "@unlock-protocol/hardhat-plugin";

const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
solidity: "0.8.7",
unlock: {
12345: {
name: "My New Network",
unlockAddress: "0x...", // your own unlock deployment address

For more check the plugin page or the example repo.