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Every transaction that includes a transfer of value between a purchaser and the Public Lock smart contracts includes a referrer parameter:

The referrer can optionally receive a share of the price paid by the purchaser.

Setting a referrer fee

A lock manager can call the setReferrerFee function on the Public Lock contract to set a specific referrer fee for a given address. This function takes 2 arguments. The first one is the address of a referrer and the second one is the referrer fee percentage, expressed in basis points.

As such, the lock manager can set multiple referrer fees for various referrers. For example a given referrer could receive 10% of the price paid, while another one could receive 30%.

Finally, if the lock manager sets a referrer fee for the 0x0 address (the zero address), then the referrer fee will apply to any referrer address.

It is possible to query a contract to identity the referrer fee set for a specific address by querying the referrerFees function.


This presentation includes multiple of examples of how the referrer fees can be used to reward platforms,